The Secrets of Appliance Repair

Appliance repair seems to be straightforward but are there industry secrets that you are missing out on? We have been in the industry long enough and it has been another great month for us – so we have decided to share some appliance repair secrets with you here.  It is just some things that we are running into over the years that are, indeed, easily preventable.

Tune and balance your appliances once you purchase them!

Dishwasher repair

You have to remember that all appliances (except for stoves and ovens) have motors and moving parts that result in vibration during the operation. For example, the spin speed of a modern washer is  800 to 1400  revolutions per minute (rpm). That means that it really has to be positioned evenly even before it is plugged in. Even a little tilt will multiply that force and in fact will become destructive and eventually will cause permanent damage.

What about the ovens? They have to be tuned (read more about it here) – to make sure the temperature in the oven reflects the temperature the oven “thinks” it is.

Hear an odd sound – call it in

Most of the appliances do not just break suddenly on you – they will show the signs before: either unusual sound, or vibration higher than usual, or blinking lights on the control panel. Modern appliance brands are really good about the warning signals. And here are 2 important rules to follow:

  • Don’t’ ignore it
  • Don’t force it.

It will lead to a more serious malfunction.

Is a brand of appliance important?

Really now it is hard to choose – all the appliances boast great smart functions, and electronics, so should you go with the companies that have recently built the smart tech reputation (Such as Samsung and LG), or the old trusted appliance manufacturers that have won their reputation.

We seem to be having fewer problems with Whirlpool, Maytag, Kitchenaid and Bosh – if there are the service problems- the parts are readily available, after all, they have been building the after sales support for years – and it is still highly efficient.    

Of course, very often you are not in control of what brand appliances that you have inherited with the house. But as everything it offers a great learning curve – you might have an experience with the brand that you would not have considered – and now end up having a great experience. It will definitely influence your decision when it will come to buying new.

In any case not to worry – we service all makes and models!

The secret maintenance tricks you can do to make your appliance last longer:

  • Remove dust and dirt from the fridge condenser coils – it will prevent it from overheating and breaking. Let alone, it will reduce your energy bills.
  • Clean the lint from the dryer – it is one of the most frequent causes of dryer damage – the buildup accumulates around the motor and the moving parts
  • Leave the washing machine door open after use – it will help to keep the moisture out and will prevent the mold from growing
  • Rinse the dishes before putting them in the dishwashers – most of the damages in the dishwashers are caused by food leftovers and grease.
We hope that your appliances, no matter what brand or age they are will serve you long and well, but if they don’t give us a call and we will be happy to help you out.  

RELATED ARTICLE: Appliance Maintenance Tips